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What is the JNSA?

The goal of NPO Japan Network Security Association (JNSA) is to promote standardization related to network security, and to contribute to greater technological standards in the field, enhancing the public welfare through awareness, education, research and information-dissemination activities related to network security. At present, the Association is comprised of many different working groups carrying out different facets of the Association's charter.

research related to projected financial damages caused by information leakage, creation of a website to self-check information security knowledge, CTF contest named “SECCON”, other research and survey projects conducted by various working groups.
  • April 2000Established as a voluntary association
  • May 2001Granted status as a specified non-profit organization(NPO)
  • July 2001Began activities as a formal NPO

NPO Japan Network Security Association
4F,5-7-12 Shinbashi,
Minato-ku,Tokyo 105-0004, JAPAN