Activities throughout a year

SECWEREWOLFSECWEREWOLF separates players into two teams, the CSIRT Team and the Cyber Crime Team, based on the job cards they first receive. During their turns, CSIRT members can dismiss the players they believe to be cyber criminals, and the Cyber Crime Team members commit crimes during their turns (shown on their job abilities), trying to put the blame on other players to get them fired. This pattern repeats with each group trying to come out on top.
Survey Report of Information Security Incident
Since 2001, the JNSA has conducted an annual survey to compile and analyze data related to damages suffered by business caused by viruses, hacking and other incidents. Since 2003, from the viewpoint of information assets risk management, the JNSA has proposed a model for calculating projected compensation for damages when private information has been compromised, making the reports to public.
What you need to know: Information Security Self-Check Questionnaire (Japanese only)
On January 22, 2007, the JNSA published the “What you need to know: Information Security Self-Check Questionnaire” made available through the JNSA website. This service allows individuals to quickly check their understanding about security, and acts as a mechanism for general Internet users to improve their security literacy while identifying their vulnerabilities.
On January 31, 2008, the new site for organizations and enterprises "Information Security Literacy Check" was released. Premium version of this service also had been provided and used by many organizations and companies. (Japanese only)
Information Security Market Survey (published annually)
Information Security Market Survey FY2021 only)