3.3.x. ASN.1 Utilities


In the certificate, CRL or OCSP responselist, you can use some utility functions. For example certificate list is described below and some links for utilities are marked.

Click this link when you want to download a certificate, CRL or OCSP response just generated by its record.
[view cfg]
In this test suite, a DER encoded binary X.509 certificate, CRL or OCSP response file will be generated according to its configuration files. Click this link if you want to see the configuration file.
[view asn1]
Click this link when you want to see ASN.1 dump (i.e. output of dumpasn1 command) of the certificate just generated by its record. You may use this in order to check whether the certificate, CRL or OCSP response file will be generated correctly.

JNSA/IPA Challenge PKI Test Suite