5. Setup and Run Testing


How to setup test environment will be described in the test case archive. We will describe general procedure to setup test environment.

5.1. start LDAP servers

  1. Stop existing LDAP services if it's running.

    root% /etc/init.d/ldap stop

  2. When you need two or more LDAP repositories for testing you should setup virtual hosts then uncomment 'daemon slapd' in '/etc/init.d/cpkildap'. To start ldap service type below.
    root% /etc/init.d/cpkildap start

5.2. Setup LDAP repository

  1. Generate LDIF files for the testing repositories. To generate LDIF file named 'test.ldif' of LDAP repository which record ID is 1234 in the database named 'testdb' type following:
    % dbldifgen --id=LDAP_REPOSITORY_ID --db=DB_NAME --out=LDIF_NAME
    NOTE: The 'dbldifgen' script will generate a lot of temporary working files in the current directory. So we recommend you to run it in a working directory just you create.
  2. To clean up DIT data in the LDAP server 'ldap1' type as follows.
    % cpki_ldapclean -h ldap1
  3. To regist LDIF data file 'z.ldif' to the LDAP server 'ldap1' type below.
    % cpki_ldapadd -h ldap1 -a z.ldif

5.3. Get Trust Anchor and Subscriber Certificate

  1. Open 'Testcase List' and download trust anchor and subscriber certificate.

5.4. Check initial values and expected value

  1. Check initial policy set, initial flags and expected value in the testcase.

5.5. Run test

  1. set trust anchor certificate to certificate validation client
  2. set subscriber certificate as target certificate
  3. set initial policy set
  4. set initial flags
  5. run certificate validation client

JNSA/IPA Challenge PKI Test Suite