

« (18)ワッセナー・アレンジメントってサイバーセキュリティに影響あるんですか? (20)Good men go OUT / Bad men come IN
- ヒト・デバイス・ファイル認証と認可に基づいたセキュリティ - »

(19)Wassenaar Arrangement - Statement of Opinion(2016年4月25日)

It has been reported that on March 1, 2016, the U.S. Department of Commerce and State (BSI) has proposed and received an amendment to the Wassenaar Arrangement.

We, the members of the Japanese security industry, hope that with this renegotiation, the definition of the terms “Intrusion Software” and “Surveillance Systems” (which were added back in 2013) will become more explicit and resolve the situations brought forth by the current vague definition.

Our main concerns in regards to the current Wassenaar Arrangement are as below:
- The definition of the term “Intrusion Software” is too broadly and vaguely defined and limits the communication of vulnerability related information across countries.
- The limitations enforced by the Wassenaar Arrangement may be applied to the export control regulations of foreign countries (starting with the U.S.) and may hinder or limit the flow of advanced technologies / information / products to Japan - as a result, lowering the overall security level of Japan as a country.

The details of how the arrangement will be amended is explained in Rapid7’s blog, and we believe that this could be considered one common ground for this issue.

In regards to exports from Japan, considerations to the industrial sector has been taken into account and a provision stating: “excluding marketing activities and devices which have been designed for managing network service quality and for managing the quality of user experience” has been included ? so at the present, we feel that this does not affect Japan, at the moment.

But we need to keep in mind that there is a possibility that products / technologies related to cyber security may be added to the Wassenaar Arrangement anytime in the coming future, and need to continue keeping a close watch over this outcome, so that it will not hinder the development of the security industry in Japan and the world.

The Wassenaar Arrangement




我々日本のセキュリティ企業としては、この再交渉により、2013年に追加された「Intrusion Software」と「Surveillance Systems」の 定義が明確になり、現在の非常に曖昧な状況が改善されることを望んでいます。

・Intrusion Softwareは範囲が広すぎ定義が曖昧なため、国をまたいだ脆弱性関連情報の流通が制限される。




« (18)ワッセナー・アレンジメントってサイバーセキュリティに影響あるんですか? (20)Good men go OUT / Bad men come IN
- ヒト・デバイス・ファイル認証と認可に基づいたセキュリティ - »